Boasting 6 true bedrooms & 5 full baths, w/ 2 additional “office/den” spaces that give owners flexibility to live the way to fit their needs. Freshly painted, new flooring up & downstairs & move in ready, this stunning home on a lovely manicured 1/4 acre property has been all the bells & whistles. Renovated in 2017, includes expansion, kitchen & baths.Enter from the covered front porch stretching the length of the home, a lovely foyer w/ a hidden mudroom “drop zone” that can be closed off & the formal living room w/ wood stove fireplace. With 10’ ceilings on the main lvl, the gourmet kitchen is the heart of the 🏠, w/ extensive custom PREVO cabinetry, top tier appliances. Separate Thermador refrigerator & freezer, the 48” Thermador range with 6 burners & a griddle, & 2 separate ovens, the Bosch dishwasher & the under cabinet microwave drawer to make cooking for simple meals or large multi-course holiday gatherings so much easier. The wrap around island seating is the perfect place to sit, do homework or have someone share a spirit while the chef cooks. Truly custom cabinets are designed for max storage & organization - even w/ a large walk in pantry hidden to the side. The large breakfast area for casual dining with a beautiful back drop of a wall of windows to the private backyard &the tiled wall w/ reclaimed wood mantle frames the gas fireplace in the breakfast area. Should you want to host formal gatherings, the dining room is the perfect setting.The other side of the kitchen is the comfortable family rm w/ built ins for ease for relaxing, watching TV, reading or having lively discussions w/ friends. Through the family rm is a door to an amazing 4 seasons space that is has climate control, another gas fireplace, additional heat source and an easy to use window system that quickly turns the room into a screen porch if desired. What can’t be overlooked is the main lvl en suite bedroom tucked away from the activity of the home to give its occupants privacy while having use of a full bath. This space would be perfect for guests who have trouble using stairs or if you want to have a home office tucked away in private.The upper lvl w/ its wonderful natural light has the perfect owner’s suite. In a wing to itself, the primary suite includes 2 rooms for both a bedroom & a sitting room that could be an office, a nursery, an exercise room, upstairs den or more. The primary bath has heated floors, a spa like shower w/ 3 shower heads, dual sinks, privy room, & so much storage. The bath & expansive walk in closet are thoughtfully separate from the bedrm in case partners have different waking/slumber hours. One of the two sets of the home's washer/dryers is also here. 2 of the additional bedrms have walk in closets, rm for a large bed & a desk or room to play & share a bathroom. The 4th upstairs bedroom has its own designated bath for 3 full baths upstairs.The lower lvl starts w/ the rec room w/ another wood stove fireplace, the wet bar & is great for entertaining. There’s a tucked away bedroom suite w/ a full bath, private living rm & private entrance for coming and going. Potential au pairs, extended visitors or trusted teenagers, may love this space. There’s even an attached kitchenette & the homes 2nd laundry facilities. What you won’t be expecting is the WOW factor for the sports “Cave” to suit all your atheletic needs- also sound insulated for music practice, originally built & used as an indoor batting cage, also used for golf training, an expanded gym, band or more! Outside, there’s an in ground irrigation system, gorgeous back deck & look into peacefulness, or sit by the outdoor fire & the custom built stone fireplace w/ patio. The shed outback is not only adorable, but functional for its organization. Large driveway is reinforced to hold RVs, Boats & town cars. New roof 2024, Geothermal & multizone HVAC, a stone’s throw to Mclean HS, Kent Gardens ES & downtown Mclean!
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