There are homes you walk into that impress you throughout, that are almost too much to absorb because you can feel the love in every room and every upgrade. Such a home is 711 Huntsman Place. If the kitchen is the most important room in the home, you will linger there, with furniture grade Cherry cabinets, granite counters, an island that is not too small, not overpowering, but just right. The GE Profile range has a double oven and WiFi connect. A LG microwave with ThinQ technology. A Bosch SilencePlus dishwasher. GE Adora French door refrigerator. You likely do not have a butler, but if you did they would nod approvingly at the Butler’ pantry. In the laundry room, a full size Electrolux washer and dryer on pedestals. A laundry sink too, of course. This home even features a high tech Flo by Moen “smart” water shut off valve. Your home inspector will appreciate the honor of inspecting this home. Security? The home is hard wired for ADT security. Intelligent wire-free Kidde smoke/ carbon monoxide alarms in all bedrooms, with 10 year sealed lithium batteries. Outside, the windows, door, siding, trim, gutters, downspouts all replaced by a caring owner who spared no expense. In a world full of new homes with undersized lots, this one third plus acre lot backing to a treed common area is nearly unheard of anywhere in today’s home market. Enjoy nature on the expansive deck, and a back yard fire pit. We hope you like birds, because Mother Nature knows paradise when she sees it. I could go on and on about the two story grand foyer and curved staircase, but you might find that elsewhere. Yeah, there is a main level office befitting of a CEO, and even if you are returning to the office, you can be more productive with a home office beyond compare. If you have kids, do not be surprised if they take over your office, study hard, and get a college scholarship. Formal entertaining in the elegant living and dining rooms you might find elsewhere, maybe, but not in this price range. Headed upstairs, in the Primary Bedroom you will find a huge space with plenty of room for a king size bed. The sitting room has a unique sliding custom barn door, and a gas fireplace to contemplate the world in front of. The primary bath is so luxurious you could easily pay twice the cost of this home and not match it. The basement is finished, and with a full walkout, and a bar, do look at the online photos. The bar seats eight and in quality and size will remind you of a pub in London or Dubai. Quite simply, this is a home you must see with your checkbook. Because it will not last long and you do not want to spend the rest of your life regretting letting this home get away. List of upgrades: Interior: New HARDWOOD floors throughout main level and upper level; New LVP flooring in finished basement; New sliders with built-in shades in Family Room; New garage entry door with built-in shades; New HVAC units; New water heaters - two!; New double electrical panel; New recessed lighting; Appliances: GE Profile range has a double oven and WiFi connect; LG microwave with ThinQ technology; Bosch SilencePlus dishwasher; GE Adora French door refrigerator; Full size Electrolux washer and dryer on pedestals; High tech Flo by Moen “smart” water shut off valve; Hard wired for ADT security;Intelligent wire-free Kidde smoke/ carbon monoxide alarms in all bedrooms, with 10 year sealed lithium batteries. Exterior upgrades include: Windows, Doors, Siding, Trim, Gutters, and Downspouts!
Údaje poskytnuté společností Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Přihlaste se nebo si zaregistrujte účet Keller Williams ještě dnes a získejte přístup k exkluzivnímu obsahu a další podpoře od místního agenta Keller Williams®!
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Seznam Kategorie
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
4 lůžka
3 koupele
Dny na místě
47 Dny
Rok postavený
Poplatky HOA
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
Stavební materiály
Aluminum Siding, Brick
Vodní zdroj
Interiérové prvky
Cooling: Central A/C
Heating: Heat Pump(s)
Cooling Fuel: Electric
Heating Fuel: Electric
Exteriérové prvky
Parkovací funkce
2 parkovací místa
Types: Attached Garage
Has Garage: Y
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